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Home / Resources in Networking

LinkedIn Do’s and Don’ts

LinkedIn can either be one of your most valuable assets for networking, or a social media page you made 2 years ago and never looked back. If you want it to be the first, knowing the general Do’s and Don’ts for the website is essential.

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Getting a Job Through Networking

There’s more to networking than just adding acquaintances on LinkedIn. Knowing an insider in a company is a much easier way to get in rather than the usual way (sending applications left and right).

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Why Networking is Your Best Strategy

Networking isn’t just something you do here and there. Rather, it should play an important part in your career-life.

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Conversation Starters

If you’re not too experienced with attending networking events, Forbes came up with 6 easy icebreakers to help you get started.

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Finding Networking Events

If you want to meet people outside your work, you can check out the list of meetup / networking websites.

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Top Networking Apps

Besides LinkedIn, there are a bunch of other networking apps out there, such as Weave or Caliber. Check out the link for more.

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How to Get Noticed on Events

When going on networking events, you should go with a purpose. You don’t want to be sitting in the corner for an hour with a drink, and then heading back home defeated. The article explains how you can leverage such events better.

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How to Get Noticed on Events

When going on networking events, you should go with a purpose. You don’t want to be sitting in the corner for an hour with a drink, and then heading back home defeated. The article explains how you can leverage such events better.

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Networking for Shy People

If you’re not a super-extrovert, networking might seem like a scary concept. The article explains how to get out of your comfort zone, step by step.

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Making Friends Through Networking

Networking is vital but it’s not enough. Making friends is what counts. You know what people say - you are the average of your 5 closest people. Choose wisely.

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