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You are one click away from creating the best resume recruiters have ever seen Try Enhancv
Curated directory of job search resources & tools by Enhancv

Home / Resources in Tools of Job search

Resume Generation: Enhancv

Enhancv is a web platform that helps talented people land their dream job by polishing their resume content to the smallest details as well as personalizing it to their desired industry and company, therefore making it much more convenient for recruiters.

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Job Info: Sokanu

Sokanu helps you find the perfect career path by assessing your personality traits. It also offers detailed articles on what, exactly, each career path involves doing. Useful tool if you’ve yet to decide what you want to do.

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CareerOneStop provides a huge database about everything from trainings and self assessments to networking and applications. A strong feature that the platform has is targeted help which proposes relevant resources to different categories of people according to their situation (age, experience, disabilities, etc).

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Career Tests: Gallup Strengths Test

Gallup offers a number of tests that help you find your strengths, and recommends ways to improve them. Regardless of whether you’re a student or an executive, knowing your strengths & weaknesses will take you a long way.

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Career Tests: Good & Co

Based on the Myers Briggs archetypes, Good & Co provides insights on your personality, as well as compatibility with different companies, jobs, and even other people.

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Research: Glassdoor

GlassDoor is the best information resource you can get when it comes to companies. It has everything that can help your job search: interview questions, average salaries, etc.

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An all-inclusive job-search website. CareerShift offers job listings from all the job boards, contact information from millions of companies and in-depth company information.

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